Our work in audio ranges from sharing live
storytelling events on air to creating audio
postcards during the pandemic.

Sitka Tells Tales

In the spirit of storytelling series from Baltimore to Anchorage and from This American Life to the Moth: True tales told live. These are stories that aren't read. From stories of giving birth in a car to suriving a boat sinking, they aren't fiction. They're funny, serious and real.

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Our Grandparent's Teachings

Haa Léelk’u Hás Haa Éet Aawlitoo.át is a monthly radio show celebrating the rich cultural heritage of Southeast Alaska. Hosted by Daanax.ils’eik (Chuck Miller). Produced in collaboration with the Sitka Tribe of Alaska, Artchange, Inc. & KCAW, Raven Radio.

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Other AK

An experiment in narrative tourism, Other AK aims to celebrate the local culture of Alaska beyond clichés. It is about the Alaska that outsiders don’t always see or learn about. OtherAk is also about creating place-based media with people, reflecting, celebrating, witnessing and maximizing interaction.

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A Moment Together

Artchange and KCAW, Raven Radio partnered this project to help keep us connected to each other amid a new normal, through social distancing and beyond. We invited locals to share stories and moments from celebrating birthdays in isolation to juggling kids at home while working.

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